Pejam celik pejam celik da nk abes da sem ni..
Now is Semester2, 2010/ cm smlm br msk klas CMC,br msk klas Mdm.Mazni & kenal Sir Johanni my beloved lecturer ntok Klas Practicum & Writing Broadcast News Subject..
I dunno why la...sem ni rs xsterss lgsg..mayb how I handle my time & xdela kelam kabut ngn keja last minit..
Alhamdulillah everything was running so smoothly as I want...
agaknye sbb da resign MRC jugak kot...& I decided dun want to active anymore in any societies...
I want to focus more on the study & nk nek kan CGPA from last semester!!
Yeeeaaayyy...go eryn go!!(as if like shouting to my ownself kn?hihi)
Nothing more that I want to share~~
Juz few weeks back we Practicum class wat jamuan for Sir Jo...but the mkn not fully sponsored by us la..
Like sir said,nk ajk mkn2 laa....
Owwhhh......Sir Johanni is my very fatherly-like lecturer that I know him since last semester...
Thank God I took all specialized subject & already finish it by this sem coz he'll be continuing his journey in establish a new radio station at Sabah....
All da best, Sir Jo a.k.a Papa JO!!
Wanna see how he looks?
cm P.Ramlee kn??
it was a nice mkn2 la dat time...
tp thanx to zul & mira sbb siapkn video for sir..
I think sir mst terharu juz xnk ngaku je...hehe
& ktorg ad wat frame tp cm bntuk award jugak la...very nice..
credit to my classmates yg cute & sempoi laa...So, today dh 10 hb March and the final is juz around the corner..
b4 dis semester ends, ad sket lg yg sy kna settlekn..
let me list down :
12/3/2011 - Obstacle activities from Suksis
14/3/2011 - research proposal submission
15/3/2011 - presentation WNN
17/3/2011 - presentation radio (group)
19/3/2011 - ujian kawad suksis
24/3/2011 - revision klas for Radio production
26/3/2011 - Exam Bertulis Suksis
28/3/2011 - Decentralized exam for Radio Production
huh...such a long way to go...
nnt la nk update lg bleh x?
aeni pon da pnt dr pg smpi mlm kt konti ni ha...
xdela pnt klas sgt sbb klas ad dua je dr td..
tp smbl2 siapkn keja...
rs rndu plak kt katil sayeee...
Mlm ni ad talk ape ntah kt engine yg ktorg wjb p under Suksis..but I didn't go coz ade klas kn?
smpi mlm ni,I just want to get some sleep & go on air tomorrow..
Since xtau lg pon tjk ape nk ckp in my show tomorrow...
Sbnrny...aftr bc dis entry mst bnyk bnd yg u all xphm kn?
mklumlaa....last pon i post Jan dulu?
mcm2 da jd...
nnt kte jmp di entry len ye...
below dis is some of pictures around the "mkn2" ntok sir JO
dis is the award that I tell u..really nice tau..ade gmbr all of us & tgh2 tu tulis the world's best mentor awarded to "Sir Johanni Salleh"
We love you sir...
My cool classmates from Practicum & writing Broadcast News class..They're cool!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
selepas setahun~~~~
salam...setelah genap setahun ak xsggh d blog ni,rase terja plak nk mencoret kt cni..
xsgka plak still bleh aktif lg...
dulun sbb xingt pasword tun yang jd liat nk update,skang ni sy nk mule menaip balik la...
sy rindu sebenarnya kt kwn2 sy xtau dorg tu stil aggp sy kwn or x..
kdg2 bile rs dipinggirkan mmg fikirkan lebih dr 10x,lg bnyk hikmah bile jd lonely ni..
antaranya :
1.dpt settle bnyk keja on time sbb xd gguan..
2.xpyh nk terlalu menjaga hati sesape sblm nk wat sesuatu perkara..
3.xperlu nk terasa ngn ape yg org len kate..
4.dpt lebih ruang ntok muhasabah diri...
tapi tu la..kwn2 tu penting jugak kdg2..
bile susah ke,ad jugak org nk xtau nape..skang ni sy xpikir pun ape org nk kate.xlarat nk menjaga hati org g xjg hati kita...
sy doakan org2 yg selalu mengata dgn lancarnya tntg 'kebaikan' org lain dpt kebahagiaan abadi...
dan yang penting,awk nk lakukan pape saje, sy nk senyyyuuummm je pd awk..
Ya Allah,Kau berikan kekuatan pd ku...
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